Friday, April 27, 2012

First Night at the Magic Kingdom.

Grandma Trudy was very eager to make it to the Magic Kingdom, so after our naps we headed over. The lights along Main Street were just coming on, guests were already staking out spots to watch the parade and throngs of street cart vendors were selling glowing Mickey hats and light up toys.

Right away we ran into a couple of cast members who were enticing children to play games with a large parachute. Sweet Pea had a fun time getting in on the action.

We stopped for a quick photo in front of the castle.

Since most of the people were crowded along the parade route, the lines for the rides were very short. We watched the Monsters Inc. Comedy Show and Sweet Pea was featured on the Princess cam.

Next we rode the Buzz Lightyear ride.

Here is a picture of the picture they took of us on the ride. Sweet Pea is hard to see, but is in the seat next me.

Sweet Pea loves getting her photo taken after the ride with the captured Zerg.

After the ride, we stepped outside and the fireworks show was starting. We had a surprisingly good view from Tomorrowland.

We rode the Carousel of Progress which is a circular theater that depicts a single family living at 4 different times. The original was envisioned by Walt Disney for the
1964(?) World's Fair and looked as though it was probably sponsored by General Electric.

The neat thing about the theater is that the audience revolves 1/5th if the way around the the stage after each period of time to view the next part of the show. Below is a picture of the 1900's kitchen.

The next picture is from 1920.

I missed taking a picture of the 1940's, partly because it looked like someone had dumped a cup of soda on the stage. The poor dog, Rover, was dripping wet. I notified a vast member so they could clean him up, but Sweet Pea was super concerned about him.

The picture below is of the last time period. I assume that in 1964 this was originally really cool, but now it is a crazy amalgam of the 1980's, 1990's and an imaginary futuristic stove that didn't work correctly. It really needs a major update.

After the Carousel of Progress, we headed for the exit. Sweet Pea and I waited on Main Street while Grandma Trudy shopped in the Emporium for a bit. Sweet Pea really wanted a balloon, but I said "no" for this night. She was gazing longingly at a vendor who was hawking them in the pictures below.

Just before we left, the last Electric Parade was starting and Sweet Pea begged to stay and watch it, so we did. If you look closely directly below, you can see Tinkerbell, on her float.

It was very cold on the way back to the cabin. We had to bundle up on the golf cart because we were freezing. Sweet Pea has a towel on her lap.

Sweet dreams!

- Posted using BlogPress from
my iPhone.

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